The Anxiety Express

0120 anxietyAll things considered, when it comes to a lack of mental wellness, I could have done a lot worse. There are no voices telling me what to do, I’m relatively sure that everything I see actually exists and I consider being alive preferable to the alternative. Still, if I’d known the details of this whole bipolar thing, I might have signed up for something different.

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Best Grass In The Barony

0062 estateAs the sun begins to set over the charming little village nestled in the rolling hills of my barony, I can usually be found on the balcony of my palatial country estate. More often than not, I’ll be joined by a handful of villagers or a few invited guests. There we’ll sit, talking and laughing, until the show begins. When that happens, the talking stops.
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Inside My Bubble

I started out wanting to write a post about my search for funny lesbian blogs on WordPress – I’m nothing if not a humor 0018 funny 03whore. I didn’t intend to say such blogs don’t exist, ButchOnTap and Miss N Corner are proof that they do. I was just going to ask the funny lesbians to step forward and identify themselves so I could join their followers (and I’d still appreciate knowing who and Continue reading →