The WCOID – Day 23, On Terminal Mortification

0051 number  23The Writing Challenge of Indeterminate Duration – Day 23
What could have happened to you in high school that would have altered the course of your life?

I skipped over this writing prompt a few times. But after discovering all my old notebooks and diaries, I thought I’d have a better perspective on what I was like and which paths I might have taken. Mostly what I discovered, however, was what a colossal dork I was. I found myself so mortified at times that I couldn’t finish reading certain passages. Continue reading →

Why Didn’t You Tell Me?

Last night a woman asked me if I was single because she wanted to set me up with her friend. Her male friend. *sigh* So I told her that I’m a lesbian. She said it was too bad because the guy would be perfect for me (what kind of guy is perfect for a lesbian I’m not exactly sure …), I said that it was a damn shame about the whole penis thing and we had a little laugh. Continue reading →

Inside My Bubble

I started out wanting to write a post about my search for funny lesbian blogs on WordPress – I’m nothing if not a humor 0018 funny 03whore. I didn’t intend to say such blogs don’t exist, ButchOnTap and Miss N Corner are proof that they do. I was just going to ask the funny lesbians to step forward and identify themselves so I could join their followers (and I’d still appreciate knowing who and Continue reading →