Is It Award Season Already?

sisterhoodoftheworld_logoIt seems that a dragon of the hidden variety from The Book of the Seven Forbidden Wisdoms has nominated me for The Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award. As with other WordPress awards, there are never any winners, only nominees. And I like that because when a WP blogger says, “I’m happy just to be nominated,” we really mean it. It’s not about pretending to be humble while calling on the universe to pleeeeaaase let you win. It’s about writers recognizing and appreciating each other, which is about the highest compliment we can pay to our fellow wordsmiths. Continue reading →

And The Nominees Are …

0025 LiebsterMany thanks to fixatedann at Randomly Speaking Unorthodoxly for nominating me for the Liebster Award. I must admit that at first I thought it was the Lieber Award and that my friend Steffen, aka The Lieber Boy, had decided to toss me a blogging bone. So imagine how thrilled I was to discover that this is an actual nomination Continue reading →